Conversions lists updated!

I’ve updated C12C2.html, SP2C2.html and TDR2C2.html of the conversion lists to include helomyname’s new mods.


Station Wagon Drone Release

As promised (a long time ago,) here is the first of the drivable C2 drones!
Merry Christmas, you fucks!




Station Wagon Drone

The station wagon drone from in-development versions of C2, now completely drivable and feature-complete!


Install it as you would any other C2 car.

Either with Carstockalypse or by editing your OPPONENTS.TXT


-SHELL model
-Car Menu Image
-Shrapnel Colours
-Fire points


-Nothing major that I’ve encountered.

#Carmageddon IRC
#Carmageddon Discord

–Contact me-
My email address:

Download the vehicle by clicking the link below!
[ ~163kb]

Merry Christmas,

Conversion lists updated

Countslash Big Daddy
I’ve updated C12C2.html and NBP2C2.html of the conversion lists to include helomyname’s new Countslash and Big Daddy mods from their respective games.


Ford KA Release

Seeing as I missed the Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now! 25th anniversary out of sheer laziness. Here’s a release of The Mecha modified to match the Ford KA that my Mum used to own in the late ’90s. It’s small, slow and weak.




Ford KA

Based on the Ford KA that my Mum used to own in the late ’90s. It’s small, slow and weak.


Install it as you would any other C2 car.

Either with Carstockalypse or by editing your OPPONENTS.TXT


-SHELL model
-Car Menu Image
-Shrapnel Colours
-Fire points
-Faked front wheel drive!


-Alpha windows can be buggy

#Carmageddon IRC
#Carmageddon Discord

–Contact me-
My email address:

Download the vehicle by clicking the link below!
[ ~145kb]


F1 Manager Professional – Full Grid Release!

The full 1997 grid from F1MP in all of it’s glory! Including the crap teams, like LOLA!




Formula 1 Manager Professional Cars

The full 1997 grid from F1MP in all of it’s glory! Including the crap teams, like LOLA!


Install it as you would any other C2 cars.

Either with Carstockalypse or by editing your OPPONENTS.TXT

Once you’ve extracted the archive, you will have a new engine sound in your ‘data\SOUND’ folder, please add this entry at the bottom of your ‘data\SOUND\SOUND.TXT’ file:


1997 // Sound ID
0x00,0x01 // Type (0), Flags (0)
F1ENG.WAV // File name
6000 // Priority
0 // Repeat rate
200,200 // MinVol, MaxVol
0,0 // MinPitch, MaxPitch
0,0 // MinSpeed, MaxSpeed
0x0 // Special FX index
1 // Number of low memory alternatives


-Car Menu Images
-Shrapnel Colours
-Engine sounds


-Don’t really fit in Carma
-Don’t split

#Carmageddon IRC
#Carmageddon Discord
Toshiba-3 for initial F1MP testing and asset extraction

–Contact me-
My email address:

Download the vehicle by clicking the link below!
[ ~2,037kb]


Queen Elizabeth II is back in 1998 form!

She’s ready to cause some Commonwealth carnage upon the capital. You’ll want to run a country mile when old Liz rises up.




Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Liz is back, this time she’s in 1998 form!


Install it as you would any other C2 car.

Either with Carstockalypse or by editing your OPPONENTS.TXT


-Car Menu Image
-Shrapnel Colours
-The Queen


-Joke car

#Carmageddon IRC
#Carmageddon Discord

–Contact me-
My email address:

Download the vehicle by clicking the link below!
[ ~636kb]


Carmageddon 2 ‘Carmashit’ Cheat Executable Functions

There’s a little-known in-dev Carmageddon 2 build, called ‘Carmashit’, it is named after the .ZIP archive that contains it.
Within this build is a cheat executable from mid-development, this executable features all of the debug edit modes that were used when testing the game during dev, a lot of the functions are very similar to the C1 edit modes and there are also a lot of holdovers from C1 that are non-functional but this executable also has it’s own functions that are unique to it and do not appear in the C1 edit modes.
I’ve tried to go through and document the unique functions below:

Edit modes are always enabled with this executable and do not need cheat codes entered, the edit modes available are:
Accessories, Powerups, Special Volumes, Pedestrians, Drones, Opponents, Prat-Cam, Depth Effects, Damage, Crush Test, Options, Cheats

I’ll only document unique functions here and not those already documented and I’ll try not to include those features shared with C1 edit modes if I don’t need to but in some cases I will. Interesting things I’ve made bold.

Numpad *: Change camera mode – Reversing/internal/standard/manual/rigid/pedestrian/drone/opponent
Numpad -: Enable wireframe mode
R: Display info and vehicle centre of gravity view model – toggles
I: Display info – toggles
S: Sound toggle – on/off

Damage mode
0: Engine
1: Drive shaft
2: Steering
3: Front Left Wheel
4: Back Left Wheel
5: Front Right Wheel
6: Back Right Wheel
7: Detach random detachable and display message “FAREWELL MY CHILD”
8: Fly mode – toggles
9: Bends player randomly
0: Throws detachables off car randomly when pressed

SHIFT-0: Engine
SHIFT-1: Drive shaft
SHIFT-2: Steering
SHIFT-3: Front Left Suspension
SHIFT-4: Back Left Suspension
SHIFT-5: Front Right Suspension
SHIFT-6: Back Right Suspension


Crush test mode
1: Timer frozen – toggles
2: Opponents frozen – toggles
3: Random credits amount
4: Random credits amount
5: Pinball mode Powerup
6: Gravity from Jupiter Powerup
7: Detach random detachable and display message FAREWELL MY CHILD
8: Fly mode – toggles
9: Bends player randomly
0: Throws detachables off car randomly when pressed
SHIFT+1: Opens flappies on player and display message FLAPPAGE IS MINE
SHIFT+4: Randomly damages vehicle (similar to ‘Oh dear, bodywork trashed’ Powerup)
SHIFT+9: Splits player randomly
SHIFT+0: Steel Gonad o’ Death
F5: Selects player car and displays player name on screen
F6: Selects an opponent car and displays name on screen
F8: Selects another opponent car and displays name on screen
F10: Cycles through vulnerability modes
F12: Toggles between shell and complex models


Options mode
1: Car simplification level (0-4)
2: Shadows toggle – None/all/main/player
4: Sky Texture on/off
5: Track drawing distance (4 modes)
6: Yon decrease by 5
7: Sound detail (3 modes)
SHIFT-4: Depth cueing toggle (visibility) on/off
SHIFT-5: Accessories on/off
SHIFT-6: Yon increase by 5


Accessories mode
F5: Rotate mode: X/Y/Z
SHIFT-F5: Scale Mode: X/Y/Z/ALL
F6: Lock onto nearest accessory
F7: Rotate by 90°
F8: Delete accessory
F10: Move X-wise (North/South)
F11: Move Y-wise (Vertically)
F12: Move Z-wise (West/East)
CTRL-F6: Expand / Compress
CTRL-F7: Rotate by 15°
ALT-F7: Rotate by 5°
CTRL-ALT-F7: Rotate by 1°
ALT-F6 / -F7 / -F10 / -F11 / -F12: Compress/move/rotate by smaller increments
CTRL-ALT-F6 / -F7 / -F10 / -F11 / -F12: Compress/move/rotate by 1
SHIFT: Combine to reverse rotataion/movement/compression
0-9+SHIFT/CTRL/ALT: Spawn an accessory as defined in ACCESSRY.TXT


Special Volumes mode
1: Spawn underwater volume and displays “SHAT OUT ”
2: Spawn cavern volume and displays “SHAT OUT ”
3: Spawn special volume 3 and displays “SHAT OUT ”
F5: Rotate mode X/Y/Z
F6: Lock onto nearest Volume
F8: Delete selected Special Volume and displays “THERE’S BEEN A SPECIAL VOLUMES MURDER!!!”
SHIFT-F5: Scale mode X/Y/Z/ALL
CTRL-F6: Expand / Compress
CTRL-F7: Rotate by 15°
ALT-F7: Rotate by 5°
CTRL-ALT-F7: Rotate by 1°
ALT-F6 / -F7 / -F10 / -F11 / -F12: Compress/move/rotate by smaller increments
CTRL-ALT-F6 / -F7 / -F10 / -F11 / -F12: Compress/move/rotate by 1
SHIFT: Combine to reverse rotataion/movement/compression


Pedestrians mode
Use Numpad * to switch to ped cam mode
F5: Makes currently selected pedestrian fall over
F6: Displays on screen the total number of currently active peds
F7: Cycles between pedestrians


Opponents mode
Very crashy, seems to function the same as C1 Opponents edit mode for the most part.
SHIFT+F5: Toggle opponent hostility and display message – Nice and fluffy/hostile


Depth Effects mode
1: Shadow translucency toggle – Solid/translucent
9: Rotate dust colour
0: Shadows toggle – None/all/main/player
F5: Environmental effect toggle: Darkness, Fog, Colour fog, None
F6: Sky texture toggle (on/off)
F7: Reduce depth start (minimum = 3)
F8: Increase depth start (maximum = 13
F10: Increase YON by 5 (drawing distance)
F11: Increase camera angle
SHIFT+F7: Reduce end depth (‘minimum’ = 13)
SHIFT+F8: Increase end depth (‘maximum’ = 0)
SHIFT+F10: Reduce YON by 5 (minimum = 5)
SHIFT+F11: Decrease camera angle


If I find any more unique functions, I’ll update this list.


Max Damage Original Inspiration

On June 20th 1997, Carmageddon was officially released! Today marks the 25th Anniversary of Carmageddon, so I’ve been holding onto some info to release as a celebration of 25 years of carnage; the original inspiration for Max Damage.
This information was provided to me by Mick O’Farrell of Red Cloud (now Revolver Creative,) prior to him telling me this information, nobody else knew about it.

In 1993, Clive Barker released the graphic novel ‘The Yattering and Jack’ with illustrations by John Bolton.

Flipping through the graphic novel, on page 51 you will find this specific illustration of Jack Polo in the novel:

This piece of artwork was the direct inspiration for Max Damage, you’ll notice where that sinister look came from when comparing this artwork of Jack Polo to the final artwork of Max Damage:

If you compare the Jack Polo artwork with the earlier Max Damage illustration then you can see his expression is even closer to that of Jack Polo:

It’s worth noting that the Max Damage artwork was originally a black and white drawing submitted to SCi for approval, Mick stated this black and white artwork was later adapted for the posters that SCi slapped up all over London to promote the release of C1.

This is the last major fact from Mick that I was holding out for this specific date, so now we all know the inspiration for one of gaming’s most sadistic characters. Interestingly the cover artwork of Max Damage for TDR2000 was also drawn by John Bolton, the very same John Bolton who drew the artwork for ‘The Yattering and Jack’ all those years ago.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Max!

Carmageddon Complete Artwork Dump

Why keep you waiting?
Instead of cutting up what I have into separate archives for each game, why not just release the entire lot as-is? Good question, I’ll do that.

Here’s an archive of the entire artwork dump that I have for the Carmageddon artwork, this archive includes early art/promotional art/posters/screens/dev art/marketing documents for the following games: Carmageddon, Carmageddon Splat Pack, Carmageddon Max Pack, Carmageddon Special Edition, Carmageddon Consoles, Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now!, Carmageddon TDR2000, various unreleased SCi games and more little goodies.

Again, most of the older artwork and files require old software in order to use, such as: Old versions of Quark Xpress for Mac, old Microsoft Office applications and Macromedia Freehand, the latter of which will be provided alongside the archive. Some of the art can be opened in modern versions of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop but a lot will not open.
All files were created on old versions of MacOS, with Quark Xpress, Macromedia Freehand and Photoshop and this archive should still have all of the metadata for the Mac-specific stuff intact.

There are a lot of very interesting pieces of art in here that we were never meant to see, so have a dig around and see what you can find.
All of the content was provided to me by Mick from Revolver Creative, the team behind the original Carmageddon logo and all of the Max Damage artwork (back when they were known as Red Cloud)

Follow me on Twitter if you want to see a bunch of stuff from these archives as well as more early and in-dev content from Carmageddon and other games, I’ve recently spent a lot of time sharing early GTA1/2 content on Twitter:

Some samples from the archive:

The archive and Macromedia Freehand are below:
[ ~1.3gb]
[ ~26.9mb]

Carmageddon 2 Original Artwork Files

Here’s another artwork archive for you, this time for Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now!

This archive includes things like: Early Max Damage artwork for C2, promotional items, posters, etc.
Just like the other archives, a lot of these files require old software in order to open them, such as: Macromedia Freehand and Quark Xpress for Mac. A copy of Macromedia Freehand is available for download alongside the archive, it works to open a lot of the files. Adobe Illustrator should be able to open some files as well.

Some samples from the archive:

The archive and Macromedia Freehand are below:
[ ~225mb]
[ ~26.9mb]